Sunday 5 October 2014

Illamasqua Competition

In our first week we had an Illamasqua workshop. when the seminar was over we were taken to the practical room and was given a task. The task was to come up with a make up look with a story which we later had to pitch to the class. We decided to base our look on The Seven Deadly Sins choosing envy as our main focus. We wanted the look to show the confidence and beauty of the character yet show a darker side also. Our story was of Pandora's box, how the character had opened Pandora's box and unfortunately had envy absorbed into her body. We ended up winning which I was so proud of considering we had done the look in less than 10 minutes. I think it really helped that we had planned the concept before hand. I love the outcome and think the colour's work really well with my skin tone. I found we all worked really well together , listened to each other's ideas and executed our roles very well. 

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