Monday 27 October 2014

Modern wealth

 I chose this image of Barack and Michelle Obama taken on 24 February 2009 walking across a red carpet at their first black tie dinner at the white house. I think this picture shows so much wealth and power. for example, Michelle is wearing a beautiful sparkling dress and draped in diamonds and pearls and Obama is wearing a tuxedo which is not known to be anyone but the wealthy people. The other signs of wealth are in the background. Not everyone had an orchestra playing in their home! Also the red carpet that they are walking on. Red carpets are usually associated with celebrities , big events and wealth. I also notice the connection between the two. I think you can tell they are very much in love as obama is smiling at his wife rather than the cameras showing his attention is only on her. Michelle is smiling downwards in a school girl like fashion as if she is blushing at obama's attention.

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