Tuesday 2 December 2014

Final assessment- My design

So this is my final design. First make-up assessments over now and boy and I relieved !
I generally cannot fault Cornelia's work with my design. When we first started this unit i was nervous as I can be quite the control freak and i felt like no one would be able to do my design how i wanted. Cornelia did my design perfectly! She practiced the design 2-3 times.  No major changes were needed to help Cornelia with this design and i am generally pleased with how it came out. 

Thursday 27 November 2014

The tudors tv series.


For example in this picture. It is known for the tudors to wear their hair loose to symbolism virginity but  am spotting some Kim k style curls in this images. 
Kim Kardashian Signature curls. 

Another thing that bothers me about this image is the clothing of the lady in the far left. In that era she would basically be considered naked with that cropped busier on and arms fully showing. That costume so dangerously close to what is considered fashion today. Pleated skirts and crop tops are really popular right now (displayed below) 


Wednesday 26 November 2014

Mac's heirloom collection

Image source- 0http://www.allurabeauty.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/MAC-Heirloom-Mix-Collection-Promo-2.jpg

I recently visited Mac in West Quay shopping centre. The first thing I noticed was one of their new fall collections. Heirloom mix. Which is inspired by family heirlooms. This collection features , brush kits , eye shadow palettes and a new range of lip products! Why am I mentioning this? Well it clearly isn't a picture of an Elizabethan but I feel the make up for the campaign definitely had Elizabeth aspects! Just look at the light eyebrows , pale foundation, bright pink blusher on the apples of the cheeks and the berry coloured lips ! Even the hair you could say has Elizabethan hints with the crimping all though I think it resembles more of the French Revolution !

Second practise of my design

This is the second practice of my design. I generally cannot fault Cornelia's make up skills and ability to copy my demonstrations and photographs i have gave her. She made my eyebrows slightly bigger than in my design but when the look was finished i realized i actually really liked them like that. 
At the end i felt that i needed something gold on the lips so i added some supra gold to the inners of my lips.

Make up assessment- Cornelia's design

This is Cornelia's design that i created in my make up assessment. I feel that it came out pretty well although the lips could of been more symmetrical
I think the base looks brilliant here, we did this by using Illamasqua white base foundation and mixing it with the kryolan foundation in FD38 A foundation shade darker than Cornelia's normal complexion.After we powdered with the Illamasqua translucent powder. Eyebrows and eyelashes were simply Kryolan supra white painted on with an angle brush. I find using an angle brush to add white to the lashes gives more coverage and control, you can manipulate the eyelashes to go in the direction you want with an angle brush. Blush was kryolan blush pallette in TO. 
Lipstick was kryolan lipstick pallette in LC007. 

. We did encounter some problems along the way. Cornelia doesn't own the standard make up kit required so when she handed me her face chart she was unsure about what make-up to use. After we both decided what would work well with her design it came to blocking the eyebrows out. Although we practiced plenty i clearly hadn't got the knack of it quite yet and didn't feel confident in doing it. We decided after practicing that we would use white eye brows instead. 

I feel that me and Cornelia communicated really well and demonstrated her ideas with ease. 

Wednesday 19 November 2014

practising for assessment.

Today I tried cornelias design. I like her design because it is simple but effective ,the lips are contemporary.
Putting on her base. She asked for a white base but still near skin colour. 

White eyelashes. I found this quite differcult to do as I'm not used to applying mascara to someone else's eyelashes. 

Finished look without covering of eyebrows as she wanted to see what it looked like with out. I found the lips difficult to get even but with plenty of practice I will be able to perfect it. After a few practices i found that starting with the bottom look first helps me to even it out. 

Rosy colour over soap method. 
The supra colours did not work well with the soap due to it being oil based. 

Off white foundation on glue method. Glue definitely worked well with her eyebrows. 

Finished look with soap on right and glue on left 
After a discussion we both decided the blocked brows was too time consuming and wasn't what she wanted anymore so we decided to colour the eyebrows in white instead.
I feel very confident to do Cornelia's look in the assessment after our practices.