Wednesday 19 November 2014

practising for assessment.

Today I tried cornelias design. I like her design because it is simple but effective ,the lips are contemporary.
Putting on her base. She asked for a white base but still near skin colour. 

White eyelashes. I found this quite differcult to do as I'm not used to applying mascara to someone else's eyelashes. 

Finished look without covering of eyebrows as she wanted to see what it looked like with out. I found the lips difficult to get even but with plenty of practice I will be able to perfect it. After a few practices i found that starting with the bottom look first helps me to even it out. 

Rosy colour over soap method. 
The supra colours did not work well with the soap due to it being oil based. 

Off white foundation on glue method. Glue definitely worked well with her eyebrows. 

Finished look with soap on right and glue on left 
After a discussion we both decided the blocked brows was too time consuming and wasn't what she wanted anymore so we decided to colour the eyebrows in white instead.
I feel very confident to do Cornelia's look in the assessment after our practices.

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