Tuesday 18 November 2014


Before applying any make up to a model you will need to do a consultation to look for contraindications.

Skin- you should be looking at what type of skin your client has , as some products will not work with certain skin types. example- Using a oil based foundation on oily skin will cause the make up to slide off.

  • dry skin
  • oily skin
  • combination 
  • blemishes 
  • scaring
  • cuts
  • open sores
  • skin complaints
Hair- Figure out what type of hair your client has. certain hair types may not work with your design. Dry damaged  hair may not work as well with a design using excessive heat. 
  • cuts or grazes
  • head lice
  • hair damage
  • condition of hair
  • medication clients may use
  • infectious disease

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