Sunday 9 November 2014

Elizabethan traditional make up- how to block out eyebrows

In sues lesson we learned how to block out eyebrows two different ways 
With soap and with glue. With both methods you need to use a spactula smoothing the product on against the hairs then smoothing it down so the hairs will stick down at the bottom. You would need a few layers and make sure it's dry before powdering and applying foundation.

Above is soap 

This is glue. 

This is my elizabethan look. I feel that I needed a few more layers to cover the eyebrows and I found it very difficult to blend the illamasqua foundation. Next time I think I will use supra colour as its grease and will blend a lot better. Cheeks are good but the lipstick is too 'lipsticky' for that time period. Overall I feel I could do better next time now I have practised.

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