Monday 10 November 2014

Final design- First draft.

For my final design i have decided to combine popular cosmetic trends from elizabethan times and from present. I started by observing current trends, Because i am the model i have considered my skin tone very carefully. Looking at this years make-up and clothing trend the two styles that stood out to me were berry coloured lips and Metallic clothing. With my skin tone, berry coloured lips work very well no matter what shade but personally i prefer the darker shades.In the elizabethan era berry lips were also popular but were applied i a stained like manor, what makes this modern is the perfect lip line and the amount of lipstick applied.

 Metallic shades have really stood out to me clothing wise and i noticed a lot of shows this year featured metallic eyes. I find that gold works well with my skin tone and eye colour (Brown)
I think gold ties in with elizabethans as it could show wealth and riches.

With the base i have decided to go for a flawless finish. Originally in elizabethan times their faces would be a pale white. Realistically if i was living in elizabethan times , due to my Caucasian/ afro Caribbean skin tone i would imagine that i would be paler but not white. which i wanted to show in my design. I'm going to play around with a few foundations and i am thinking about mixing the Illamasqua skin base 01 with my Illamasqua skin base 12. When it comes to eyebrows i am really intrigued with the idea of no eyebrows so i've decided to cover them up with this look


Saint Laurent by Hedi

Show- Matthew Williamson
make up- Lisa Eldridge

Show- Tory Burch
Make up- Diane kendall

No eyebrows-

berry lips -

I showed my design to kat today and she thinks that i need to make it stand out alot more. 

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