Wednesday 19 November 2014

Tudor cosmetics

Make-up and Cosmetics in the tudor times were seen to symbolise your wealth and rank in society.
Heavy make-up were not very popular during the reign of henry the VIII. Queen Elizabeth was the Trendsetter, as she got older the more heavy her make-up became due to her contraction of small pox and wrinkles.
The ideal tudor women during elizabeths reign was a woman with light hair, pale skin and rosy lips and cheeks. The paler the skin the more wealthy and noble you were ,as only poor workers caught a tan during labouring.

pale skin- The white make-up used for the face was ceruse, made from vinegar and white lead which was actually poisonous.

yellow hair- yellow hair dye was made from a solution of celadine, oil, saffron and cummin seed.
Wigs were also very popular and queen Elizabeth was know to own many.

The Rosy lips and cheeks were simply a show of status.

High foreheads were also seen as a sign of beauty so women would shave their hair lines and shave there eyebrows to make the forehead appear bigger.

This is my example of an elizabethan look

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