Saturday 11 October 2014

National Portrait Gallery

Name of Painter: Unknown
     Title of the Work: Armada portrair
     Date it was painted: 1588 
     Size : 978 mm x 724 mm
     Medium : Oil on panel 
     Stylistic Period(e.g. Impressionism

This portrait was painted to commemorate the defeat of the Spanish armada 1588. 
I chose this picture as the background drew me to it. I found the windows interesting. In one displays ships sailing on a normal day then they pass Elizabeth to the next window in which they are  destroyed. I think this symbolize's the queens power. I also think her grasping a globe shows her power over the world. The clothing worn by queen Elizabeth definitely displays her riches as she is covered head to toe in pearls and jewels. She also has what i believe is an ostrich feather in her hair and as a fan. I'd believe they were quite expensive.   

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