Friday 24 October 2014

Contouring and extreme contouring

Contouring is used to slim and change the shape of the face by emphasizing with the shadows and highlights of the face.

Convex and concave

Convex- a surface that expands outwards
concave- a surface that curves inwards

when contouring the first thing you look at is the convex parts of your face. that would be forehead , tops of cheekbones, tip of nose, cupids bow and jaw line. you would need to use a lighter foundation or an illuminator on these areas to bring them outwards. Next  you would contour your concave parts of your face, starting with cheeks, suck your cheeks in to find the hollows of your cheeks. feel along the sunken area to find the exact cheek bone line. when you've found this line you would take a dark contouring powder or foundation and follow the line blending well.

In one of kats lessons were were taught to extreme contour. extreme contouring is to extremely exaggerate contour lines may it be extra product or using a 'wacky' colour

When i did my contour i wanted to exaggerate my nose and create a bulbous tip with Halloween in mind.

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