Thursday 30 October 2014

Preparing your work station, professional image and brush care

When Entering the class room you should go straight to your work station, wipe up any mess that may be there and lay down some couch roll on the station. Next you should lay out all products needed and make sure brushes are clean. When your model has sat down make sure you have washed your hands before touching them.

A make-up artist should keep themselves clean at all times making sure they shower regularly. Nails should be kept short to avoid harming clients. Hair should be kept up to avoid irritating the client during the make up transformation. When it comes to uniform the best bet is to wear black. Avoiding tops that expose cleavage and skirts that are considered short. Flat shoes must be worn to avoid any accidents.

Brushes must be cleaned with brush cleaner between clients and at the end of every day. In class we use Isoproyl alcohol. once every 1-2 weeks treat your brushed to a shampoo and condition using normal products you would use on yourself.

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