Monday 6 October 2014

The New Elizabethans

Our first project is based on the Elizabethan era. I am really excited to do this project, I think it's really interesting to see what was considered beautiful in different era's.

What I currently know about the era 

  • Pale skin was considered beautiful as it was a sign you didn't work. Workers would be out in the sun all day laboring and catching a tan! I find it quite interesting as tanned skin is now considered beautiful in the 21st century.
  • Veins were drawn on to show enhance the illusion of pale skin
  • different colour clothing meant different social positions. example- mustard yellow and magenta mean't you was very rich 
  • high foreheads were considered beautiful so women would shave off their eyebrows to give an illusion of a high forehead.
  • If your hair was loose it was a sign of virginity
I am so excited to start this project although I am worried that my idea's will not come across how i would like them and whether my idea is original enough. I am definitely looking forward to learning more about the Elizabethan ideas of beauty 

Image source-

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