Thursday 30 October 2014

Monochromatic look

This is one of my monochromatic designs. I decided to use green as I am very safe when it comes to using eyeshadows, usually using Browns and golds. When I looked at these colours together they reminded me of a bird so I attempted to make it more bird like by drawing a curve from the tear duct to symbolise a wing. I thought winged liner was only appropriate for this look :) I like this eyeshadow look and I think it enhances  my models green eyes.  


In kats lesson we was looking at drawing shapes and shading. Drawing comes in handy when your a make up artist /design as you need the skill to sketch out ideas. I learned that Incant draw shapes without serious concertration and an eraser! 

Preparing your work station, professional image and brush care

When Entering the class room you should go straight to your work station, wipe up any mess that may be there and lay down some couch roll on the station. Next you should lay out all products needed and make sure brushes are clean. When your model has sat down make sure you have washed your hands before touching them.

A make-up artist should keep themselves clean at all times making sure they shower regularly. Nails should be kept short to avoid harming clients. Hair should be kept up to avoid irritating the client during the make up transformation. When it comes to uniform the best bet is to wear black. Avoiding tops that expose cleavage and skirts that are considered short. Flat shoes must be worn to avoid any accidents.

Brushes must be cleaned with brush cleaner between clients and at the end of every day. In class we use Isoproyl alcohol. once every 1-2 weeks treat your brushed to a shampoo and condition using normal products you would use on yourself.

Karina Buckley- analytical review- The Danger Dress

I usually wake up at 8am every saturday. This particular saturday I woke up earlier than expected, without an alarm. Something was calling me. I rolled out of bed running my hands through my shaggy hair and my newly grown beard. Something was telling me to go for a run, like a voice whispering in the back of my mind. I pulled on my old running shoes and set off. LA is so beautiful at this time of day. The palm tree leaves were dancing in the slight breeze and the sun was peaking over the sky scrapers. As I ran further up the road I saw a bright white light, blinding me for a few seconds. In those few seconds of blindness I met the woman that changed my life. Lent against a wall reading 'surfing cowboys' she stood there angelic like, looking at me with so much desire. stood there in a danger dress. Lady danger.

image I used source-

This was my own interpretation of the image displayed.

day of the dead

As Halloween is coming up in sues lesson we practised day of the dead make up. I really enjoyed this as I love sugar skulls and my favourite artist is Sylvia Ji who is very popular for her day of the dead themed paintings. 

I am happy with my design although I feel it could of been a lot neater , I made a mistake of using highly pigmented eyeshadow as contour so unfortunately my contouring came out too strong. I tried not to take the detail too seriously as this was just for fun :) 

val garland

Val garland raised in Sydney started of as a hair colourist. It was her interest in colour that took her from hair to make up. It was then her career soared , working for the likes of Alexander McQueen , vogue and Celebs such as Kate moss. She even won the Pantene pro-v make up artist of the year award in 2004.

Applying base

 Applying the perfect base is crucial to creating a flawless make up look.
First step would be to cleanse tone and moisturize which is shown in my previous blog post.

1. after cleansing ,toning and moisturizing you will need to decide what colour foundation your model need. the best way to do that is to pick a few which you think match better then using a small brush or baby bud apply these samples in small lines down the bottom of the cheek and chin. the correct colour will be the one that disappears.
2. warm correct colour onto the back of your hand then using foundation tool of you choice apply the foundation all over the face , neck and ears.
3. use a buffing brush to buff the foundation in creating a flawless look.
4.  apply powder to set.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Kevin aucoin

Born in Shreveport , Louisiana in 1962 then adopted and raised in Lafayette , Louisiana, aucoin was always interested in the way people looked. At age 11 he photographed his sister Carla realising that make up was crucial to produce the photos that he wanted! In 1983 aucoin travelled from his home town (portfolio in hand) to New York with no previous work experience. With a chance meeting at vogue aucoin' career soared and months later worked for Steven miesel in set of fashion shoots and couture shows. By 1990 aucoin had become a legend, sculpting the faces of various cover models on magazines including Cher and Janet Jackson! Unfortunately he met his untimely death in 2002 age 40 but his legend still lives on through his best selling books and his beauty brand.

Kevyn truely inspires me! To see some one with no work experience at all become a make up legend! Gives me the confidence to excel with my career. 

' that's why I began doing make up in the first place: I was hoping that through helping people see the beauty in themselves, I could try and find it in me' -Kevyn Aucoin

information and image sources-

Monday 27 October 2014

Modern wealth

 I chose this image of Barack and Michelle Obama taken on 24 February 2009 walking across a red carpet at their first black tie dinner at the white house. I think this picture shows so much wealth and power. for example, Michelle is wearing a beautiful sparkling dress and draped in diamonds and pearls and Obama is wearing a tuxedo which is not known to be anyone but the wealthy people. The other signs of wealth are in the background. Not everyone had an orchestra playing in their home! Also the red carpet that they are walking on. Red carpets are usually associated with celebrities , big events and wealth. I also notice the connection between the two. I think you can tell they are very much in love as obama is smiling at his wife rather than the cameras showing his attention is only on her. Michelle is smiling downwards in a school girl like fashion as if she is blushing at obama's attention.

Personality Selfie

 In this picture it shows what I think shows my interests and personality.

In this picture I have chosen to be in pajama's in a relaxed setting. I had my phone used in this picture as I am constantly on it! Geordie shore is being displayed on my laptop as embarrassingly it is my favourite program. My laptop shows my interest in technology. I also have a bottle of wine in my lap as its the one drink I have when i go out with my friends :) Also shown in this picture is a mac bag, make up brushes and a few DVD's which shows my love for make up and films. I feel like i should of taken a picture with me smiling as i am generally a really happy bubbly person but this picture also shows me being in my own little world :)

The 7 photograph's that changed fashion

This week I watched a short documentary by the famous photographer Rankin. In this film it shows Rankin recreating 7 images in his eye's ,changed fashion.
He showed photo's by some of the 20th centuries most significant  photographers including: David Bailey, Cecil Beaton and Erwin Blumenfeld.

I found it very interesting to see what was seen as 'game changing' as I feel in the world we live in today, nothing comes as a shocker and almost anything is exceptable in the art world. for example when Rankin re-shot Herb Ritts' Original photo 'Fred with tires' It hadn't even crossed my mind that being a male model was not popular in that time. In the 21st century It is very popular to see famous footballers shot in next to nothing.

The photographer that stood out to me the most was Helmut Newton.
Newton was recognized as the photographer who transformed fashion photography from beautifully poised pictures to  risque provocative poses.

The image by newton shown in the documentary featured an androgynous woman standing; hair slicked back, sporting a tuxedo, a cigarette and a beautiful naked woman in  hazily lit Rue Aubriot. This created a iconic movement in fashion and photography. It was VERY rare in that time to see a woman sporting pants let alone a tuxedo and posing sexually with a nude woman. This image is one of over 200 photographs that range from Polaroids to vast canvases that are currently showing at Paris’ Grande Palais.

Helmut Newton, Yves Saint Laurent, Rue Aubriot, Vogue France, 1975, Paris

Friday 24 October 2014

Contouring and extreme contouring

Contouring is used to slim and change the shape of the face by emphasizing with the shadows and highlights of the face.

Convex and concave

Convex- a surface that expands outwards
concave- a surface that curves inwards

when contouring the first thing you look at is the convex parts of your face. that would be forehead , tops of cheekbones, tip of nose, cupids bow and jaw line. you would need to use a lighter foundation or an illuminator on these areas to bring them outwards. Next  you would contour your concave parts of your face, starting with cheeks, suck your cheeks in to find the hollows of your cheeks. feel along the sunken area to find the exact cheek bone line. when you've found this line you would take a dark contouring powder or foundation and follow the line blending well.

In one of kats lessons were were taught to extreme contour. extreme contouring is to extremely exaggerate contour lines may it be extra product or using a 'wacky' colour

When i did my contour i wanted to exaggerate my nose and create a bulbous tip with Halloween in mind.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Colour Theory part 2- using makeup

In kats lesson she asked up to create 2 face charts and 2 actual looks using Achromatic, analogous , complimentary and monochromatic colour's.

This is my take on monochromatic, I used different shades of blue to achieve this look. Unfortunately the lighting in my flat does not show the colour's true justice.

Achromatic -In this look I used basic black, white and grey on the eyes and a dark black lip.

Complimentary colour's- In this look i only used two colour's. Yellow and purple. I tried to go for an Arabian feel with the eyes but added thin lines to make the look more dramatic.

Analogous colour's- 
In this look i chose to use yellow and green. When I looked at these colours i instantly though of a bird and tried to create 'wings' or 'feathers' with the eyes. I used yellow for the lips as if a beak and green contour for dramatic effect

Colour theory

Colour theory is a chart that visually shows  the relationships between colour's

Color wheel

The colour wheel is a chart designed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666  showing  how to combine colour's.

Primary colour's- Red, Blue and Yellow = colour's that cannot be made by mixing other colour's.

Secondary colour's- green, orange and purple= colours made by mixing primary colours together

Tertiary colour's- either mixing one primary colour with one secondary colour or mixing two secondary colour's.

Monochromatic- The monochromatic color scheme uses variations in lightness and saturation of a single colour.

Analogous- Colours that are adjacent to eachother on the colour wheel

complimentary-Colour's opposite to each other on the colour wheel.

Achromatic- The word means without colour. In the colour scheme world this would be a chart showing the different shades of black to white.

The Westmores

After researching the Westmores I'm suprised to see how many films they were involved in and find it fasinating that the talent was carried on through generations!

It all began with george westmore, a englishman who pursuede his career as a hairdresser after the  Second Boer War. At age 38 he decided to retire (which indicated a successful career), he moved to LA when it came to his attention that actors did their own make up and he didnt like the way they did it! In 1917 george founded the first make up department at selig studio.
George and his wife Ava went on to have 19 children but unfourtunatly only 7 survived.
after his wife died he went on to have one more child with his second wife anita.
All 6 of his sons whom he had with ava went on to become make up artists.

1921 The Nut (makeup artist)
1921 The Education of Elizabeth (makeup artist)
1921 The Sheik (makeup artist - uncredited) The film that shot Rudolph Valentino to fame.
1921 The Three Musketeers (makeup artist - uncredited)
1922 Robin Hood (makeup artist - uncredited)
1922 Smilin' Through (makeup artist)
1924 Secrets (makeup artist)
1924 The Goldfish (makeup and hair)
1924 The Thief of Bagdad (makeup artist - uncredited)
1925 Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (makeup artist - uncredited)
1925 Don Q Son of Zorro (makeup artist - uncredited)
1926 The Black Pirate (makeup artist - uncredited)
1930Romance (makeup and hair - undredited)

1923 Black Oxen (wigs - uncredited)

Montague westmore was the eldest of the 6 brothers, born in england like his father. In 1921 Monte went to work with his father on the set of the sheik. Monte got his big break when he convinced Rudolph Valentino to let him do his makeup. He was Valentino's makeup artist untill the actors death in 1926. From then on monte worked on great films such as Intermezzo and Gone with the wind.
Monte went on to have 3 sons, Michael , Monty and Marvin.
Each lead a successful career of their own.
Michael won an academy award for makeup from the film mask in 1985 and 9 emmys.
Monty was nominated for an emmy and academt award
and Marvin was the founder and CEO of the goerge westmore research library and museum.


1922 Blood and Sand (makeup artist - uncredited) (Valentino was billed as 'Rodolph')
1927 The King of Kings (makeup supervisor)
1929 Spite Marriage (makeup artist - uncredited)
1929 The Girl from Mexico (makeup artist)
1932 Forbidden (makeup artist - uncredited)
1934 Four Frightened People (makeup artist - uncredited)
1935 The Crusades (makeup artist - uncredited)
1939 Intermezzo AKA Escape to Happiness (makeup artist - uncredited)
1939 Gone with the Wind (hair stylist - uncredited, makeup artist - uncredited)
1940 Rebecca (makeup artist - uncredited)

( twin of ernest westmore)

In the 1930's the westmores were tring to launch a beauty salon but found that they had ran out of money. Kay francis gave them a blank cheque to help with the project. In 1935 The house of westmore beauty salon opened on sunset boulevard.  The salon had its own range of beauty products and were even giving away copys of 'Perc westmore's make-up guide'.

When perc became the head of warner brothers make-up department he came up with ideas ahead of his time. For example he produced a chart that displayed 35 shades of blonde, explaining that different hair colours required different make-up. Perc even had involment in the makeup for the film 'The private lifes of Elizabeth and Essex' Where he had to make drastic changes to bette davis's appearance. Such as shaving her hair line a few inches back.

List of films worked on-


(Twin of Percival)

Many say that Ernest was the most talented of all the westmore brothers.He worked for The Warner Brothers, RKO ,Eagle lion studios and was director of makeup for more than 50 films.
Ernest also had his own tv show 'the Ern Westmore show'.
Unfortunatly Ernest alcoholism lost him his job with the Warner brothers. He went on to have 2 children and one of his grandchildren becane art director at universal studios.

List of films worked on-


 Walter 'wally' Westmore's first film was the 1931 classic Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Wally was the Special Effects Makeup Artist who transformed Fredric March from Dr. Jekyll to Mr Hyde. Hollywood had never seen anything like it, he went on to work on more than 300 films, mostly for Paramount.

complete list of wallys films-

Frank westmore-

Frank Westmore was the youngest brother. He was the second Westmore son to be born in America.
Frank worked at Paramount Pictures as an apprentice to his older brother, Wally.
He worked on many films, including Farewell, My Lovely and The Ten Commandments.
Frank also did a lot of TV work, including The Munsters, Planet of the Apes, Bonanza, Hart to Hart and Kung Fu.

george westmore pic
MOnte westmore SNR-
ernest image-
Frank image-

Monday 13 October 2014

The many portrayals of queen Elizabeth

The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex


 Michael Curtiz
Make Up Artist: Perc Westmore 

'This period drama frames the tumultuous affair between Queen Elizabeth I and the man who would be King of England, Robert Devereux, the Earl of Essex. Ever the victor on the battlefield, Devereux returns to London after defeating Spanish forces at Cadiz. Middle-aged Elizabeth, so attracted to the younger Devereux but fearful of his influence and popularity, sends him on a new mission: a doomed campaign to Ireland. When he and his troops return in defeat, Devereux demands to share the throne with the heir-less queen, and Elizabeth, at first, intends to marry. Ultimately sensing the marriage would prove disastrous for England, Elizabeth sets in motion a merciless plan to protect her people and preserve her throne'-

Bette Davis took her role very seriously as she allowed them to alter her image in the eyes of the public in which she wouldn't usual be perceived. for example she allowed them bleach her eyebrows and shave her hairline 2-3 inches higher than usual. 

Fire over england - flora robson


make up :Harry Frampton and Ernest Taylor

Queen Elizabeth is running this show. The men in her court should be thinking about how to add to the glory of the Elizabethan Age and how to foil those pesky Spanish who got far too much influence in England when her older sister Mary was on the throne after their father Henry VIII was succeeded by their sickly half brother. Elizabeth thinks Michael Ingolby can do great things. Michael is mostly thinking about one of Elizabeth's ladies in waiting, Cynthia. Soon his mind is on survival when Elizabeth sends him on a voyage to Spain. - IMDB 


Elizabeth I

This ITV mini-series tells the story of the older Elizabeth I (Helen Mirren) and what may, or may not have been, her affair with the much younger Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, which ended with the latter’s beheading.
This was one of two competing UK mini-series on Elizabeth: the other covering all of her reign featured Anne Marie Duff.

makeup artist- Fae Hammond was makeup designer; Su Westwood,Gemma Richards & Jane Hope-Kavanagh were hair & makeup artists.
All info sourced from lectures, and