Tuesday 30 September 2014

Introduction Week!!

In our first Welcome week exercise we had to take a paper bag and decorate it to imitate our mood board. I drew Frankenstein's monster to show my love for prosthetic's because I didn't show
it in my mood board. I added a make-up brush and lipstick to show my interest in beauty make-up and what added what was mean't to be a plane for travel. To finish I added a graduation hat.
I really liked the outcome of my mask, i think it portrayed my interests perfectly.

Next we was asked to take selfies outside useful locations that we would be using later this year.

-Laura Mercier 
-Bobbi Brown

Mac - When looking at the mac counter you can see its very professional. You can also see the set up was very well thought out as the customer can literally see every product available. Keeping the counters/storage black with hints of white keeps the store looking very modern and will never go out of style. I think Mac is aimed at women of all ages but personally i would say a range of 17-50 year old women  use the products due to observation.
When it comes to hero product a Ruby woo springs to mind. I find it to be very popular because its the perfect matte red lip!

Laura Mercier - Laura Mercier counters are similar to mac , using  monochromatic sleek counters displaying all products available. The difference with Laura Mercier counters is the dynamic designs. I think Laura Mercier was created for a more mature woman maybe mid 20's + as they display natural simple make-up in advertisement  rather than flashy bizarre make-up that other company's may display.

image resource- http://retaildesignblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Laura-Mercier-shop-Tangs-SheridanCo-Singapore.jpg

Summer project

The summer before we started our first project we was given a summer project.
The project was to create a mood board which reflected where you would like to be in 3 years time.
The only media i used was from magazines. At first I found this assignment difficult as I do not know which path in make-up I would like to take just yet.  I found images which I felt reflected what i 'might' want to do.

1- If you could change anything about your mood board what would it be?
Me- If I could change anything I would of added more pictures of prosthetic make up as I enjoy it the most.

2- describe your piece
Me chose specific images from a magazine to show that I was interested in working for a magazine, advertising and editorial fashion. I also chose a picture of St Lucia because I would love to visit some distant relatives that I am yet to meet.

3- How did you research?
Me- I only used magazine images.

4- How do you feel about the final outcome?
Me- I am quite happy with the initial outcome although I felt that I need to add more pictures of prosthetic s as that is another path i am interested in, I also felt that i needed to add some sort of  illustration or sketch to make it more personal.

Nicole Hackett 

1- If you could change anything about your mood board what would it be?
Nicole-  She would of added more face charts

2- describe your piece

This piece reflects Nicole's love for fashion and travel. 

3- How did you research?
 Nicole- Magazine

4- How do you feel about the final outcome?
Nicole- Felt she could of put more but she is happy 

Rebecca Leo 

1- If you could change anything about your mood board what would it be?
Would like more face charts to make it personal. 

2- describe your piece
 Mood board reflects love for youtube and wants to teach make up , likes to help people with make up.

3- How did you research?
Pictures online , internet  and background made from packaging 

4- How do you feel about the final outcome?
Really happy explains really well where she would like to be in 5 years 

Isley Wylie le Greaves

1- If you could change anything about your mood board what would it be?
More drawings 

2- describe your piece
  Lives in london piece reflects interest in film, prosthetic's and healthy living. Would like to work with lord of the rings. Would like to be happy, confident and independent. 

3- How did you research?

4- How do you feel about the final outcome?
Good but thinks she can do better